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The Complete Guide to solving Week-3 Challenges of Season-4 in Fortnite: Battle Royale.

Fortnite Season 4 Theme showing the four heroes.

Season 4 of Fortnite: Battle Royale has been a blast so far, and now Week -3 challenges are up to keep the players engaged and completing these challenges will reward the player with a Secret Treasure that helps to progress your Battle Pass.

Some of these can be very easy and some can be more luck oriented. But no worries, I am here to tell you the different ways you can follow in order to finish them. Without any further ado, let’s get right into it..

Also I have written detailed guides on how to complete Week-1 and Week-2 challenges before. Check them out if you have any doubts.

The below screenshot gives the complete list of Week-3 Challenges. Completing these weekly challenges rewards you with a free Reward which could help you in your Battle Pass Progress, thereby unlocking cosmetic items.

Another important note, if you want to play these challenges, you would have to purchase the Season 4 Battle Pass.

Week-3 Challenge List:

Fortnite Season 4 Week 3 Challenge list showing all the seven challenges

In the above image, the first challenge ”Watch a Match Replay” has been replaced due to bugs and now the new challenge is “Revive 5 Players”. No worries, this guide has been updated to the latest version.

As you can see, completing these challenges would yield you XP, either 5 or 10 Battle Stars or getting the grand prize of 5000 XP.

All the challenges are pretty much straightforward and easy to do.

The Complete guide to completing all the Week-3 Challenges:

Revive Players:

This requires you to revive 5 players over the course of your game play. You will naturally be able to complete this challenge over the course of time as you pretty much will be reviving your teammates.

But if you want to finish this task as soon as possible, get a friend who is willing to almost die for you (in the game, of course :-P) and revive him till you complete it.

Deal damage with Pistols to opponents:

This one is a common challenge you find over the weekly challenges. Start looting as soon as possible to get a Pistol. Getting a pistol early in the game should not be that difficult.

Do this and you should be able to do Pistol damage to your enemies throughout your matches. You can easily complete this challenge as you would have do only 500 damage to your enemies.

Search chests in Lonely Lodge:

Another common weekly challenge. Focus on landing at Lonely Lodge initially, match after match. Land here as soon as you can as soon as the match begins, start sprinting around the area and seek out those all the chests in the area.

Forget about the enemies here and just start searching for the chests. If you get killed, don’t worry. Just keep repeating the process until you’ve have completed this challenge.

Search Rubber Duckies:

This is one of the two challenges which tends to be the tough ones. One reason being that it involves running around the entire map to find the required object. In this week’s case, it is a Rubber Ducky. All together, a total of 20 locations so far has been found by the Fortnite gaming community. Even I had great difficult finding at least 10. One reason being that they are pretty small so it’s easy to miss them.

Another important thing is when you find one, don’t forget to interact with them, only then will you get them. You will have to find ten rubber duckies.

Another important clue is that when you are near to Rubber Ducky, you will be able to hear a squeaking noise, so listen out for them if you have difficulty finding them.

I have complied all the locations on to the Fortnite map for easier tracking.

The various Rubber Ducky locations are:

Fortnite Season 4 Week 3 Challenge Rubber Ducky Map locations

  • North East of Anarchy Acres: Found on the platform below the waterfall.
  • Between Anarchy Acres and Risky Reels: Found under the bridge that runs between the two locations.
  • Greasy Grove: Destroy the water tank on the South side of Greasy Grove.
  • Fatal Fields #1: Found along the little stream to the North East side of the Fields.
  • Fatal Fields #2: Near to the tree, by the large pond to the South of Fatal Fields.
  • Flush Factory #1: Destroy the enormous toilet bowl to the North East of this location.
  • Flush Factory #2: There's a enormous hill, to the North of Flush Factory. The Rubber Ducky can be found by the small toilet, found along the path that runs across this hill.
  • Between Junk Junction and Anarchy Acres: Found in the abandoned pool.
  • Between Lucky Landing and Flush Factory: There's a bridge that connects between Lucky Landing and Flush Factory. You'll find the Rubber Ducky, found underneath the bridge by the overturned ice cream truck.
  • Lonely Lodge #1: By a cliff side, directly North of the "L" in "Lodge" as seen in the map.
  • Lonely Lodge #2: Near a lodge, towards the South West. Directly under the "N" in "Lonely". The Rubber Ducky is found along the stream, sitting by a rock.
  • Loot Lake: On the North side of Loot Lake, next to one of the boats in the center of the pier.
  • Lucky Landing: By the edge of the waterfall, found to the West of Lucky Landing.
  • Retail Row #1: In the bathtub of one of the houses, found towards the North West. Just above the "T" in "Retail" as seen in the map.
  • Retail Row #2: At the South Easternmost point of Retail Row, just sitting by the metal grated fence.
  • Snobby Shores: The Rubber Ducky is found in the pool.
  • South West of Moisty Mire: Located directly South of the Prison, and South West of Moisty Mire, In the murky pool of water near the cliff edge.
  • North of Moisty Mire: It is in the tiny pond, North of the marsh. There’s a wooden shack with a pier on the shore, and you’ll find the rubber ducky on the pier.
  • Between Tilted Towers and Snobby Shores: Found in the bottom left corner of the warehouse between the two locations.
  • Tilted Towers: By the edge of the little waterfall, to the North East of the Tilted Towers.

Follow the Treasure Map found in Salty Springs:

This is similar to first week’s Treasure hunt mission. This is one of the frustrating challenges out there. But in this case, all you have do is find the Treasure map found in Salty Springs and you will obtain the map as shown as below.

Fortnite Season 4 Week 3 Treasure Map Location showing the location of the treasure.

The map is pretty clear (i.e) it shows the squiggly race track found eat of the Fornite map, to the right of Retail Row.

Finding the Treasure:

1. You’ll want to drop to the east side of Retail Row and start floating towards the squiggly path.

2. As you draw closer, try to land to the southern side of the squiggly path. The location is just next to the giant tree close by.

3. The treasure is found right next to the stack of tires on the small raised portion of the map

4. This is where the Battle Stars are located

5. You’ll know if you’ve found the right spot as the shining Battle Stars will suddenly pop out of the ground in front of you. Make sure you interact with them for a couple of seconds to claim your reward.

6. Check your UI to ensure that the Challenge has been registered.

The Battle Stars will help you advance your Season 4 Battle Pass and help you unlock cosmetic goodies

Sniper Rifle Eliminations:

Another common challenge in which you have to eliminate your enemies using Sniper Rifles. I believe a similar challenge was present in Week-1 Challenges where instead of eliminations, you had to deal only damage.

So first of, bag a Sniper Rifle as soon as possible. Then you just have to eliminate 2 enemies to complete the challenges. If you have difficulty, try to pair up with your friends to complete it.

Eliminate Opponents in Tilted Towers:

This is pretty much a luck based challenge. Because in order to complete this challenge, you got to have players to kill in Tilted Towers, and I believe the best way to complete this challenge is by landing in Tilted Towers and going for the offensive as soon as get the chance. Also if possible, try to couple this challenge with the “Sniper Rifle Eliminations” Challenge. It would be like killing two birds with one stone.

The Grand Prize!!!!!

As you complete the Weekly challenges, you unlock a new Loading screen. After finally completing all the Week 3 challenges, the loading screen changes to something new called “A Looming Threat” which shows 4 heroes bundled around a hologram of Fortnite map and the character Omega . Check out the loading screen below.

Fortnite Season 4 Week 3 Loading Screen shows a looming threat

If you observe the loading screen closely, you will be able to find the outline of a Battle Star as shown in the image above.

To show it clearly, I have marked it on the Fortnite map below.

Fortnite Season 4 Week 3 Secret Treasure showing the location of secret Battle stars

Collecting it will award you with a 10 Battle Stars, which will add to your ongoing Battle Pass Progress.

Check out my detailed guides on how to complete the Week-1 and Week-2 challenges also.

Did I miss anything? If I did please feel free to share your opinions below in the comments section.

Until next time,

Yours Truly,


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