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Sony's Venom Movie Trailer #2 has been released and IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!

Sorry guys,

I just couldn't hold back. This is one of those movies that I always I dream't of. So, I'm really sorry but this post has nothing to do with gaming. It's about the second trailer for the VENOM movie from Sony and It was so good that I seriously has to post it to you guys.

Check out the trailer below....

Venom is one of the few villains that just makes you feel like being bad is cool and I hope this movie does Venom justice, if not he would be utterly pissed.

For those unaware, Venom is an upcoming movie from Sony in collaboration with Marvel Comics (not Marvel Studios :-(...) which is based on the comic "Venom Lethal Protector". In this movie Venom, played by Tom Hardy, is an anti-hero who, for a change, saves the world once a while. An important thing to note is that Sony has considered it to be set in the "same universe as MCU" although Marvel Studios does not wish to integrate the movie in MCU.

Now coming to the trailer, the trailer opens to a scene denoting a spaceship crash from which canisters of symbiote goo is extracted by none other than Life foundation. Life foundation is an organization which acts as a benevolent organization on the outside but is actually up to no good, led by Carlton Drake. Then we see a shot of the normal life that Eddie Brock leads with his supposed lover, who I am not sure is..Next we see Eddie interviewing Drake, accusing of him of his wrongdoings which Drake does not appreciate. After this, we see Eddie followed by a scientist working for Life foundation, revealing the evil intentions of the organization in order to further human evolution.

The next few scenes shows some of the victims subjected to the Venom symbiote or its extracts which leads me to believe that these victims could perhaps be the nemesis that Venom will face namely Scream, Riot, Lasher, Agony and Phage. Later we see Eddie being infected but it is not sure how he is infected. After getting infected, Eddie starts to hear voices and he soon discovers the Venom's powers slowly manifesting within him.

We also see Eddie bargaining with Venom stating that we can only stay as long as Venom only hurts bad people to which Venom shows that they are capable of doing anything. Later there are a couple of bike chases and also a scene in which Eddie warns Drake to be afraid of him.

And the best scene of them all....................

"We are VENOM!"

The punchline that was promoted from the beginning finally makes sense...and what better way to end the trailer..
Venom looks totally badass and this version of Venom stays true to his comics counterpart and that's a good thing. I really hope the movie does well from the bottom of my heart.

What do you guys think? Share your thoughts below in the comment section.

Yours Truly,

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