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The Complete Guide to solving Week-8 Challenges of Season-4 in Fortnite: Battle Royale.

Fortnite Season 4 Weekly Challenge showing all the heroes

Week 8 challenges has been already released last week. Unfortunately, I was able to put together this guide only now. So sorry for the delay,guys...Moreover, this week can help some players to complete their Blockbuster challenges in case they missed one. This week sees the arrival of "Hungry Gnomes" and certain surprises.

Continue reading to know how you could easily complete all the Week-8 challenges in Season 4.

Completing the Weekly challenges helps you unlock the Blockbuster challenge, which unlocks a secret which could help boost your progress. So you don't want to miss out on the opportunity to unlock some cool stuff.

Fortnite Week 8 Challenges:

Fortnite Season 4 Week-8 Challenge List showing all the seven challenges

The above image shows the seven new challenges for week-8, which either rewards 5 or 10 Battle Stars for completion of the challenge.

On completion of all the challenges gives you 5000 XP also.

The complete guide on how to complete all the Week-8 Challenges:

Deal 250 Headshot damage to opponents - 5 Stars

Wow, previous versions of this challenge gave you the freedom to cause damage to enemies by shooting them anywhere. But this time, it’s a Headshot, guys. But No Worries! Try to grab a Shotgun and just go all out. Just aim for the general head area. Being a shotgun, you are sure to land a headshot. Or you could go for the Assault Rifle and go guns blazing. Otherwise, if you are up for the challenge, go for a Sniper Rifle and snipe for enemies for Headshots.

Search Chests in Salty Springs - 5 Stars

As soon as you land, run around and try to get as much as chests as possible. Searching for chests in Salty Springs should not be a problem as it has around 10 chests or something (I am not sure). Only thing to look out for is others players who would be prowling the area during this week. 

Search 7 Chests in a single Match - 5 Stars

This could be a bit difficult and not impossible to complete. You don’t want to land in crowded areas such as Tilted Towers where your chances of survival is pretty slime and you can pretty much expect to die before you get your hands on all the chests. So, my suggestion is to land on the areas on the edges of the map and try making your way to center of the circle from there. This way you could stay away from unnecessary fights and spend time, searching and building up your resources. Once all the chests in your regions has been wiped clean, Proceed to the next area as the circle shrinks. The various locations you start out are Moisty Mire, Junk Junction , Snobby Shores.

Search Hungry Gnomes - 5 Stars

This is not the first time Epic Games has brought Gnomes into the game. There was a previous “Search for hidden gnomes” challenge before. They used to make giggling noises when you are close to them. But now they seems to be saying ”yummy, yummy”. I suppose that’s why there are called Hungry Gnomes. There are more than seven hungry gnome scattered all around the map.

The various locations where you can find the gnomes are shown in the map below.

Fortnite map showing all the Hungry Gnomes locations.

1.  North East of Pleasant Park, in the corner of a gas station near food shelves.
2.  Behind the fast food counter in Risky Reels
3.  Inside the Tomato building in Tomato Town, in the gap between the sink and the wall
4.  In a Taco Stand at a Soccer field, found in the middle of Snobby Shores and Tilted Towers
5.  Center of Titled Towers, in the small food station.
6.  North of Retail Row, in the corner of grocery store.
7.  In the basement of the diner in Greasy Grove, in the corner by a barrel.
8.  In the corner of the gas station in Salty Springs.
9.  Between the chair and table in the Taco stand, south of Shifty Shafts where the huge chair is found.
10. In the Warehouse, found North East of Flush Factory, you will find it in the gap between the fridge and sink.
11. South of Lucky Landing, in the kitchen next to a refrigerator.

Search between a Bear, Crater, and a Refrigerator Shipment - 10 Stars

Another “Search between” challenge for this week. The crater that is mentioned is found to the South East side of Retail Row. The bear is found by the roadside, near a plateau. Finally the refrigerator shipment is just south of the wooden bear. The hidden treasure is found in the middle of the triangle formed by the three trees, as shown in the map below.

Fortnite Season 4 Week-8 Hidden Battle Star Location showing the location of the treasure

You will find a small patch of dirt. The Battle Star emerges as you approach and make sure to interact with it in order to claim it.

Voila! Enjoy your free Battle Star.

Supressed Weapon Eliminations - 10 Stars

You just have to eliminate 3 enemies using a Supressed weapon, So this shouldn’t be all that difficult. If you have difficulty killing all 3 enemies in a single match, you can spread out your kills over 2 or 3 matches. Open as many as chests as possible to get yourself a Supressed weapon. It’s a pretty straightforward mission.

Eliminate opponents in Pleasant Park - 10 Stars

Similar to last week’s challenge, you have to kill enemies in the specified location (i.e) Pleasant Park. Your best bet will be to land initially in Pleasant Park and try to gather weapons and resources as soon as possible particularily an Assault Rifle or Shotgun. You should be able to find other players as they pretty much will also be trying to complete this challenge.

NO Loading Screen!!!!

Another thing to note is that there is no Loading screen like the previous weeks. Maybe this is because the loading screens and secret Battle Pas Tiers were linked to the seven Blockbuster challenges. So far, I didn’t unlock any sort of new Loading screens. Incase you guys find something, I would appreciate if you could let me know.

Also Check out my detailed guides on how to complete the previous Week-1Week-2Week-3, Week-4, Week-5, Week-6 and Week-7 challenges.

Another important thing to note is that If you have completed all the Seven Week Challenges, you would have successfully completed the all 7 BlockBuster challenges.

Blockbuster challenge reward gives the Visitor Skin

Completing all 7 Blockbuster Challenges will yield you “The Visitor” Skin, pictured in the loading screen above.

Did I miss anything? If I did please feel free to share your opinions below in the comments section.

Until next time,

Yours Truly,


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